Saturday, September 15, 2012


Good morning.

Peter & I met yesterday over coffee to discuss new bridge strategy. He was away all summer & used his time wisely to improve his bridge game. He introduced me to something called Losing Trick Count and, fortunately for me, KISS (kept it simple).

It boils down to this - count your losers in a suit. Every missing AKQ counts as a losing trick. If you only have a singleton in that suit it counts as one loser, etc.
So, first count your losers. Open if you have 7 or less losers.
Partner - respond with 9 or less losers.

Agree on a suit and go from there.
I like it!!!!

After that, well, reality hit - mow the lawn, sweep out the garage, tackle the closet (I only got to one shelf!)

And finally, a delicious dinner with my gorgeous husband. Yes!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bridge anyone?

Today I play in a bridge tournament with my friend, Phyllis. It was a good tournament for us because we are relatively new to duplicate bridge so we like to play against people who are also fairly new (translate that to inexperienced!).

We met this morning at our designated spot. I was the driver since we needed an easy tag & I have one on my car. We gave ourselves 1-1/2 hours to get there. The bridge club was about an hour away but since it was still rush hour we gave ourselves extra time. We weren't the first ones there but pretty close to it.

We played north-south. That just means our team stays at the table and the other teams (east-west) come to us.

In duplicate you are grouped into categories depending on how many master points you have. We are always thrilled to get master points and imagine our surprise at our first tournament when we learned you get different colored master points depending on the type of play it is. Today they were giving out silver points.

Generally you play about 26 boards. We played north-south. That just means our team stays at the table and the other teams (east-west) come to us. Every north-south team is competing against the other north-south teams. Since there were 14 NS teams we played 2 boards a round against an EW opponent.

Long story short, we had a decent day. I made a few errors, Phyllis made a few errors. We finished below 50% but we MAY have earned a portion of a master point. We didn't stick around to find out but I'll be sure to let you know!

Oh, and did I mention, we had a lot of fun. It was a great crowd. We love that 299r group!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Inspired to get a move on it


Long time since I posted anything. I just read my friend's blog and decided it's time to get busy. I one of these silly organized person who the more I have to do the more I get done. It's easy to let time drift on but give me a list and I'm off.

What's to do today?

9:00 Hair appointment

(This isn't really me!)

2:00 Bridge lessons

(I've never had this gorgeous hand)

I think the point is there is lots of time in between appointments. What to do?
1. Finish unpacking
2. Vacuum
3. Clean the closets
The list goes on. I think it's time to do the job jar things. Make the lists and pull a chore out of the jar and get to it. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'll let you know how it goes.