Saturday, September 15, 2012


Good morning.

Peter & I met yesterday over coffee to discuss new bridge strategy. He was away all summer & used his time wisely to improve his bridge game. He introduced me to something called Losing Trick Count and, fortunately for me, KISS (kept it simple).

It boils down to this - count your losers in a suit. Every missing AKQ counts as a losing trick. If you only have a singleton in that suit it counts as one loser, etc.
So, first count your losers. Open if you have 7 or less losers.
Partner - respond with 9 or less losers.

Agree on a suit and go from there.
I like it!!!!

After that, well, reality hit - mow the lawn, sweep out the garage, tackle the closet (I only got to one shelf!)

And finally, a delicious dinner with my gorgeous husband. Yes!!!

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